Richard Cummins Solicitors


Richard Cummins Solicitors care for your legal needs in NSW. Our City law firm was founded on the principles of trust, reliability, professionalism, integrity, equality and best legal practices. Our legal firm is committed to fighting for your rights.

One of our missions is to demystify the law for the average person, ensuring that complex legal jargon is replaced with approachable language that is easy to understand.

Our job is to find a way around the legal maze for you, and if we cannot find a way, we will try to make one.

Our Clients

Our clients are ordinary people who have suffered hardship or have found themselves in legal situations where they don't know what to do. Everyone deals with their hardships in a different way, and we are here to help.

When you find you are in an unexpected situation where criminal charges or an AVO are brought against you. You want someone by your side who knows what to do, we can assist you to navigate through the criminal justice system to get the best outcome for you.

You may find yourself in a relationship where you feel you can't get out, or you can't figure out what you need to do. You want someone who knows, understands and can help.

There are times where you just need help understanding, defending or protecting your legal rights. We are here to help you decide what you want to do.

We offer payment option because we know what it's like to be faced with the unexpected, no matter what your financial situation may be.

Richard Cummins Senior Solicitor

Professional Experience

Richard Cummins was born and educated in England, Liverpool, receiving his law degree in 1990. For over 10 years, Richard worked with various legal practices in England, then decided to immigrate to Australia.

Richard received his degree of Masters in Law from the University of New South Wales, and was admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 2001 and has been practicing Criminal law ever since.

Richard started Richard Cummins Solicitor in 2005, where he predominantly practices in all the areas of Criminal law.

If you are charged with any criminal offence such as drug or traffic, if you have been arrested and are in custody, if you require Bail or to appeal a sentence or conviction, Richard will work with you to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Karina Hould Solicitor

Professional Experience

Karina Hould was born and educated in Canada, Montreal, and Australia, receiving her law degree in 2022. For over 20 years, Karina worked in Information Technology, then decided to immigrate to Australia.

Karina received a double degree of Bachelors of Criminology and Bachelors of Law with first class honours from Western Sydney University, and was admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and the High Court of Australia in 2022 and has been practicing law ever since.

Karina started Working with Richard Cummins Solicitor in 2022, where she predominantly practices in the areas of Family, Civil, Wills and Estate planning, NCAT and Elder law.

If you need advice, want to check if you have the right to do something, or if you are being treated fairly, Karina will work with you to achieve the best possible outcomes.


Criminal Law

If your matter is urgent or you have been arrested, or charged with a criminal offence, call us on (02) 8251 0046 or EMAIL us immediately.

Our criminal lawyers will work hard for you to receive a successful outcome. Our impressive track record, means you can rest assured that you’re in the most capable hands.
We offer comprehensive criminal legal services by successfully simplifying and consolidating your legal needs in Sydney.

Positioned as a one-stop legal shop with extensive experience in all areas of the law, our criminal solicitors provide a holistic solution for all. your legal needs.

We pride ourselves on the values we espouse like trust, honesty, experience, offering value added services, simplifying the law, being down to earth and treating all people equally.
We help ALL people irrespective of whether they can afford normal legal costs. Every person is provided with the same expert legal representation regardless of their financial background.

Our criminal lawyers expertly analyses your matter, thoroughly explains the process and delivers on its promises.


Family Law

Families are complex and full of emotions. This becomes more complex when going through the courts while you are separating and divorcing.
Our solicitors can give practical, accurate and easy to understand advice.

We can help you with:

Parenting Arrangements

A key concern for most people when they separate is the living arrangements of their children post separation. It is important to discuss, as soon as possible, after separation what will happen in relation to the children and their time with each parent.

Property Settlement

Going through a separation is an emotionally difficult time. Added to this is the financial stress of dividing your assets. It is important that you receive advice about what is an appropriate division of assets based upon your circumstances.


Obtaining a Divorce is often the final step in dealing with a property division and can be done by consent or by one party alone.

Child Support

Following separation, parties are often confused about their obligation to pay or their right to receive child support. Gaining an understanding of your child support liability or rights is imperative in planning your future.

Asset Protection Combining Financial Agreements

Second relationships, de-facto relationships, entering a relationship later in life. More people are entering relationships with significant assets in their own right, a key concern for clients is the protection of their assets when entering into a new relationship. We regularly advise clients on the benefits of Binding Financial Agreements.


Mediation is an alternative way of resolving your family law dispute without the high costs, emotional stress and lengthy delays associated with Court proceedings.

Call us today for a 1 hr free assessment of your matter


Civil Law

When you believe you have been unjustly treated, or your rights have been violated by someone, we can help you figure out your next plan of action.
We can help you navigate the legal and non-legal process and represent you through mediation to arbitration and court.

For example, We can help you with:

Debt Recovery

An often unavoidable aspect of doing business is debtors stretching payment terms, or payment claims not being met or being disputed. These issues can greatly impact cash flow, and if approached incorrectly, have the ability to become laborious and costly. Seeking legal advice early will ensure your debt recovery process runs smoothly and cost-effectively.

Here are a few areas our debt recovery team provides to help find a solution for you:

  • letters of Demand;
  • Court proceedings for recovery;
  • Enforcement of judgments.

  • Commercial Disputes

    Commercial disputes are unfortunately unavoidable for most businesses. Seeking legal advice as soon as possible will greatly minimise the time, energy and resources spent on resolving disputes, and ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.

    Here are a few areas our commercial litigation and dispute resolution team provides to help find a solution for you:

  • Commercial and civil litigation;
  • Trade practices disputes;
  • Landlord and tenant disputes;
  • Employment disputes;
  • Defamation disputes.

  • Call us today for a 1 hr free assessment of your matter


    Elder Law

    As we age our needs change and our concerns for our future becomes a focus. Things like where will we live when we cannot stay in our home any longer, or who will take care of my things while I am in hospital, or temporarily incapacitated.
    Our solicitors can give practical, accurate, easy to understand advice, to guide you through the legal issues, and help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

    We can help you with:

    Retirement village agreements

    When you are ready to move into a retirement village we can help you navigate the contract and help you understand if that retirement community is right for you.

    Nursing home, hostel and home care agreements

    If you or your elderly parents need extra care, we can help you filter through the legal jargon and make sure you are getting all the services you need to ensure you are as comfortable as possible, and your rights and property are protected.

    Challenging wills

    There are times when a will has been changed and you question if the new will is valid. We can help you to determine if all changes are above board and help you defend the wishes of the will maker.

    Advance medical directives

    If you or someone you know needed support tomorrow, how easy would it be for them to find everything they need to help you?
    In a crisis, family may find it difficult to decide what treatment is best in that situation.
    An Advance Care Directive lets your family and doctors know what you want when you cannot tell them yourself.

    We can help you make it easy by ensuring you leave the right information and answers.

    Power of Attorney

    By allocating a power of attorney you can ensure that your income and debts are safe. The attorney will be able to pay your bills, collect income and manage your financial affairs because you will have given them instructions and provided them details on how to use your money, property and assets. The attorney you allocate would only be able to do what you have allowed them to do and nothing more.

    Enduring Guardianship

    By allocating a guardian you can ensure that your health and wellbeing are taken care of. The guardian will be able to tell the doctors, and caregivers what your wishes are, and how to take care of you because you will have given them instructions and provided them details on what you wish to happen if you are sick, or incapacitated in any way. The guardian you allocate would only be able to do what you have allowed them to do and nothing more.

    Sign documents

    If you have a contract or a document that you do not understand, you can bring it to us and we can help you figure out if it is in your best interest to sign it.

    Dealing with elder abuse

    Elder abuse can take various forms, including physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, self-neglect, and abandonment. Any of these elder abuse types can be devastating to older people and their families and friends.
    We can help you protect yourself or a loved one because no older person should be subjected to any form of abuse.

    Call us today for a 1 hr free assessment of your matter


    Wills and Estates

    The value of people's life savings is important; factors such as trusts, companies and superannuation to name a few can be difficult to get your head around for future planning. It is important to get the right advice from experts in the wills and estates field. Richard Cummins Solicitor team are here to help.
    Our solicitors can give practical, accurate, easy to understand advice, to guide you to an effective will, giving maximum benefits and protection to your loved ones.

    We can help you with:

    Estate Planning

    Like so many things in life, you get what you pay for. All too often, people thought they were saving money by using a "will kit", only to cost their estate tens of thousands of dollars when drafting errors cause the will to end up in Court. Even with simple wills, it is important to ensure that the will reflects your wishes, and that all possibilities have been covered.

    Power of Attorney

    By allocating a power of attorney you can ensure that your financial issues are properly dealt with. The attorney will be able to pay your bills, collect income and manage your financial affairs while you are incapacitated, because you will have given them instructions and provided them details on how to use your money, property and assets. The attorney you allocate would only be able to do what you have allowed them to do and nothing more.

    Enduring Guardianship

    By allocating a guardian you can ensure that your health and wellbeing are taken care of. The guardian will be able to tell the doctors, and caregivers what your wishes are, and how to take care of you because you will have given them instructions and provided them details on what you wish to happen if you are sick or incapacitated in any way. The guardian you allocate would only be able to do what you have allowed them to do and nothing more.

    Probate/Letters of Administration

    If a family member or friend has passed away, our team can ensure the estate is administered with a minimum of delay, no matter how simple or complex the estate.

    Estate Litigation

    Our team are experienced in resolving estate disputes, achieving the best outcomes for clients. Whether relating to a family provision claim (where a claim is made by someone left out of a will or unhappy with the provision made for them in the will) or other disputes such as executor disputes or doubts over wills, our team will provide the very best advice, protecting our clients from the cost and stress of court where court can be avoided, and putting them in the best position to win where it cannot.

    Call us today for a 1 hr free assessment of your matter


    NSW Civil and Administrative
    Tribunal (NCAT)

    Anyone can get legal help or advice to apply to NCAT or prepare for a hearing. However, if NCAT does not permit you to have a representative, we can still provide help or advice to you on an informal basis as a support person.
    We can help you navigate the legal and non-legal process and represent you at the tribunal to talk to the tribunal and other parties on your behalf.

    We can help you with

    Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division
    Reviews of administrative decisions made by the government.

  • Firearm licences
  • Working with children checks
  • Reviews of other government agency decisions

  • Consumer and Commercial Division
    Assist you in resolving a wide range of everyday disputes and consumer claims.

    Housing and property
  • Tenancy
  • Residential communities
  • Holiday parks
  • Strata schemes
  • Retirement villages
  • Dividing fences

  • Consumers and businesses
  • Consumer claims
  • Motor vehicles
  • Retail leases

  • Guardianship Division
    Assist you with making decisions about people who have a decision-making disability.

  • Guardianship orders for someone with decision-making disabilities.
  • Financial management orders for someone who is not capable of managing their affairs.
  • Consent for treatment by a doctor or dentist.
  • Review an enduring power of attorney.
  • Review an enduring guardianship appointment.

  • Occupational Division
    Assist you with reviewing decisions by government agencies about licensing and professional conduct complaints.

    Occupational licence
  • drivers and operators of taxis, buses, hire cars and tow trucks
  • security guards, builders, real estate agents, motor dealers and repairers, pawnbrokers and second hand dealers, stock and station agents, business agents, travel agents, valuers and licensed conveyancers.
  • Professional discipline
  • veterinary practitioners
  • architects
  • building professionals.

  • NCAT Appeals
    The Appeal Panel determines internal appeals from decisions made by NCAT's Divisions.

    Call us today for a 1 hr free assessment of your matter
